Inteligencia artificial

Inteligencia artificial

Información de inteligencia artificial.

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology for real time aerial threats detection and deterrence (birds, drones...) in wind farms and airports
- Summary:  Spanish SME has developed an AI technology for real time aerial threats (birds, drones...) detection and deterrence. It is offering to create for the client/investor a...
German AI (Artificial Intelligence) startup offers next generation video understanding AI to analyze videos on a new level and is searching for industry partners
- Summary:  A German Artificial Intelligence startup has developed an innovative AI for video understanding. The AI combines state-of-the-art Computer Vision and Natural Language...
A Bulgarian company offers a smart walkway/pedestrian crossing with artificial intelligence
- Summary:  A Bulgarian SME with experience in the R&D of specialised technologies, products, and engineering solutions has developed an automated smart system for light...
Design of new materials and improving of processes, applying novel machine learning methods to sparse and noisy data sets
- Summary:  A UK spin out has launched, and proven, an artificial intelligence (AI) based tool that incorporates experimental and process data and uncertainty. It helps guide...
A German SME with focus on Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and IoT offers cutting-edge state of AI solutions to the industry
- Summary:  A young innovative German SME from the AI sector is offering tailor-made AI, Big Data and IoT solutions. The company is specialised in bringing cutting-edge state of AI...
Ayudante de investigación
- Puesto: Ayudante de investigaciónFunción: Diseño de métodos de machine learning y deep learning para predicción y visualización de datos recopilados en la historia clínica...
Research assistant (PhD student) in advanced nanocomposites with enhanced fire-resistance and improved mechanical properties
- Puesto: Research assistant (PhD student) in advanced nanocomposites with enhanced fire-resistance and improved mechanical propertiesFunción: PhD student in Advanced nanocomposites with enhanced...
Ranking por sector Siderurgia / Metalurgia
- Según la Asociación Latinoamericana del Acero, el Perú fue uno de los países que impulsó el crecimiento del consumo de aceros laminados en América Latina...