01/11/2012 -
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristic of the lean principles into ISO 14001 and to propose linkage of the lean principles and ISO...
01/07/2016 -
Purpose: The present paper aims at developing an effective framework including all the components necessary for implementing lean production properly in Small...
01/07/2016 -
Purpose: Lean Manufacturing is widely regarded as a potential methodology to improve productivity and decrease costs in manufacturing organisations. The success...
05/06/2013 -
Purpose: Lean Manufacturing System has emerged as an important area of research in Indian context. The requirement of Lean Manufacturing has increased due to...
01/09/2018 -
Purpose: This paper aims to analyse the challenges of lean manufacturing implementation in the remanufacturing industry. The research was undertaken in three...
18/09/2015 -
Purpose: This paper compares the efficiency of two revenue-sharing contracts and discusses the members’ preference for a three-echelon supply chain with...
15/07/2021 -
Many research works deal with big data platforms looking forward to data science and analytics. These are complex and usually distributed environments, composed of several systems and tools. As...
15/07/2021 -
The management of health and safety plays an important role in safety performance, and is therefore an important foundational element in an organisation's overall sustainable development. Many...
15/07/2021 -
Analytical data processing has become the cornerstone of today's businesses success, and it is facilitated by Big Data platforms that offer virtually limitless scalability. However, minimizing...
15/07/2021 -
Distributed stream processing engines are designed with a focus on scalability to process big data volumes in a continuous manner. We present the Theodolite method for benchmarking the scalability...
01/12/2020 -
Se ha estudiado en la literatura la aproximación de los modelos G/G/s a partir de modelos markovianos M/M/s. Un estudio de un modelo de colas se presenta en el presente artículo...
19/02/2021 -
The production of hybrid components involves a long process chain, which leads to high investment costs even before machining. To increase process safety and process quality...
06/02/2021 -
Abstract The micro single-lip deep hole drilling process is subjected to many difficulties. Especially the machining of difficult-to-cut materials like the nickel-based alloy...
18/06/2018 -
Las tecnologías asociadas a la Cuarta Revolución Industrial han demostrado un impacto significativo en la productividad y la agilidad de las empresas...
02/03/2021 -
Abstract In this work, a numerical method is presented in order to simulate the deposition of molten polymer bead onto a substrate and its cooling down in the large-scale...
22/02/2021 -
Abstract Optimization of operations and maintenance (O&M) in the industry is a topic that has been largely studied in the literature. Many authors focused on...
24/11/2013 -
The main objective of this investigation was to implement lean manufacturing system (LMS) to improve productivity of airconditioning coil manufacturing at Blue Star Limited. LMS...
12/11/2019 -
In order to preserve competitiveness in their markets, organizations seek incessantly tools to help them manage their activities. To identify scientific production related to...
21/10/2020 -
Las turbinas Michell-Banki, también conocidas como turbinas de flujo cruzado, son maquinas hidráulicas utilizadas para la producción y generación de energía en proyectos hidroeléctricos a...
27/10/2020 -
La mayor parte de las investigaciones que se han realizado sobre la convección natural han abordado su estudio en la región laminar y no se ha dirigido mucha atención a la convección natural...
10/03/2021 -
Abstract The magnetic field in a magnetic pulse radial compaction process was analyzed in ANSYS/Multiphysical software to determine the electromagnetic force distribution on the...