Simulación de Sistemas
Simulación de Sistemas
Información de Simulación de Sistemas.
Active learning in Operations Management: interactive multimedia software for teaching JIT/Lean ProductionLean principles adoption in environmental management system (EMS) - ISO 14001
01/11/2012 -
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristic of the lean principles into ISO 14001 and to propose linkage of the lean principles and ISO...
Examining green production and its role within the competitive strategy of manufacturersA framework for effective implementation of lean production in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
01/07/2016 -
Purpose: The present paper aims at developing an effective framework including all the components necessary for implementing lean production properly in Small...
Simulation guided value stream mapping and lean improvement: A case study of a tubular machining facilityIndustry 4.0 implies lean manufacturing: Research activities in industry 4.0 function as enablers for lean manufacturing
01/07/2016 -
Purpose: Lean Manufacturing is widely regarded as a potential methodology to improve productivity and decrease costs in manufacturing organisations. The success...
Novel availability and performance ratio for internal transportation and manufacturing processes in job shop companyImplementing lean manufacturing system: ISM approach
05/06/2013 -
Purpose: Lean Manufacturing System has emerged as an important area of research in Indian context. The requirement of Lean Manufacturing has increased due to...
Alternative tools to mass production and human performance indicators in sheltered work centers of Valencian community (Spain)Analysing the adoption of Lean production in remanufacturing industry
01/09/2018 -
Purpose: This paper aims to analyse the challenges of lean manufacturing implementation in the remanufacturing industry. The research was undertaken in three...
A new approach for supply chain risk management: Mapping SCOR into Bayesian networkTwo revenue sharing contracts in a three-echelon supply chain with a risk-neutral or a risk-averse retailer
18/09/2015 -
Purpose: This paper compares the efficiency of two revenue-sharing contracts and discusses the members’ preference for a three-echelon supply chain with...
A Survey on Data-driven Performance Tuning for Big Data Analytics Platforms
15/07/2021 -
Many research works deal with big data platforms looking forward to data science and analytics. These are complex and usually distributed environments, composed of several systems and tools. As...
Using Big Data to Improve Safety Performance: An Application of Process Mining to Enhance Data Visualisation
15/07/2021 -
The management of health and safety plays an important role in safety performance, and is therefore an important foundational element in an organisation's overall sustainable development. Many...
Cost Optimization for Big Data Workloads Based on Dynamic Scheduling and Cluster-Size Tuning
15/07/2021 -
Analytical data processing has become the cornerstone of today's businesses success, and it is facilitated by Big Data platforms that offer virtually limitless scalability. However, minimizing...
Theodolite: Scalability Benchmarking of Distributed Stream Processing Engines in Microservice Architectures
15/07/2021 -
Distributed stream processing engines are designed with a focus on scalability to process big data volumes in a continuous manner. We present the Theodolite method for benchmarking the scalability...
Estimadores Bayesianos de distribuciones Weibull aplicados a un modelo de líneas de espera G/G/s
01/12/2020 -
Se ha estudiado en la literatura la aproximación de los modelos G/G/s a partir de modelos markovianos M/M/s. Un estudio de un modelo de colas se presenta en el presente artículo...
Potential of process information transfer along the process chain of hybrid components for process monitoring of the cutting process
19/02/2021 -
The production of hybrid components involves a long process chain, which leads to high investment costs even before machining. To increase process safety and process quality...
Chip formation simulation and analysis of the mechanical loads during micro single-lip deep hole drilling of Inconel 718 with varying cooling lubricant pressure
06/02/2021 -
Abstract The micro single-lip deep hole drilling process is subjected to many difficulties. Especially the machining of difficult-to-cut materials like the nickel-based alloy...
Requisitos previos para la implementación de la industria 4.0 en la fabricación
18/06/2018 -
Las tecnologías asociadas a la Cuarta Revolución Industrial han demostrado un impacto significativo en la productividad y la agilidad de las empresas...
Simulation of large-scale additive manufacturing process with a single-phase level set method: a process parameters study
02/03/2021 -
Abstract In this work, a numerical method is presented in order to simulate the deposition of molten polymer bead onto a substrate and its cooling down in the large-scale...
Maintenance optimization for a multi-unit system with digital twin simulation
22/02/2021 -
Abstract Optimization of operations and maintenance (O&M) in the industry is a topic that has been largely studied in the literature. Many authors focused on...
Applying lean manufacturing system to improving productivity of airconditioning coil manufacturing
24/11/2013 -
The main objective of this investigation was to implement lean manufacturing system (LMS) to improve productivity of airconditioning coil manufacturing at Blue Star Limited. LMS...
Lean manufacturing implementation: bibliometric analysis 2007–2018
12/11/2019 -
In order to preserve competitiveness in their markets, organizations seek incessantly tools to help them manage their activities. To identify scientific production related to...
Consideraciones de diseño de una turbina Michell-Banki
21/10/2020 -
Las turbinas Michell-Banki, también conocidas como turbinas de flujo cruzado, son maquinas hidráulicas utilizadas para la producción y generación de energía en proyectos hidroeléctricos a...
Simulación numérica de la convección natural turbulenta en torno a esferas
27/10/2020 -
La mayor parte de las investigaciones que se han realizado sobre la convección natural han abordado su estudio en la región laminar y no se ha dirigido mucha atención a la convección natural...
Numerical simulation of magnetic pulse radial compaction of W-Cu20 powder with a field shaper
10/03/2021 -
Abstract The magnetic field in a magnetic pulse radial compaction process was analyzed in ANSYS/Multiphysical software to determine the electromagnetic force distribution on the...