Cloud computing

Cloud computing

Información de computación en la nube.

Intelligent digital real-time management and cloud optimisation for private / public transport organisations or operators offered by a French scale-up for technical cooperation
- Summary:  A French scale-up has developed a package of intelligent digital systems : all-in-one, modular, off-the-shelf hardware, Cloud and Software as a Service (SaaS) to manage in...
Design of new materials and improving of processes, applying novel machine learning methods to sparse and noisy data sets
- Summary:  A UK spin out has launched, and proven, an artificial intelligence (AI) based tool that incorporates experimental and process data and uncertainty. It helps guide...
Swiss SME with expertise and a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution for the generation of synthetic data is looking to join a Horizon Europe consortium
- Summary:  Swiss SME offers expertise and a SaaS solution using state-of-the-art deep learning models that allow users to generate synthetic data. The data is then truly anonymous...
Ayudante de investigación
- Puesto: Ayudante de investigaciónFunción: Diseño de métodos de machine learning y deep learning para predicción y visualización de datos recopilados en la historia clínica...
Research assistant (PhD student) in advanced nanocomposites with enhanced fire-resistance and improved mechanical properties
- Puesto: Research assistant (PhD student) in advanced nanocomposites with enhanced fire-resistance and improved mechanical propertiesFunción: PhD student in Advanced nanocomposites with enhanced...
Ranking por sector Siderurgia / Metalurgia
- Según la Asociación Latinoamericana del Acero, el Perú fue uno de los países que impulsó el crecimiento del consumo de aceros laminados en América Latina...