
Tecnologías Asociadas


Información ciberseguridad.

Hardware-based security module - Ethernet security dongle for secure authentication
- Summary:  A German university offers a hardware-based security module that enables authentication of common information processing devices without having to modify them. It can be...
Postdoc Researcher Engineer on cybersecurity and Software Engineering
- Puesto: Postdoc Researcher Engineer on cybersecurity and Software EngineeringEmpresa: Fundación IMDEA Networks
A French SME offers a disruptive technology to broadcast the legal time of a country (UTC) using a new Secured and Traceable time signal via mainly computer networks, under a commercial agreement with technical assistance
- Summary:  A French SME has developed a technology which consists of setting up an infrastructure to broadcast the legal UTC time of a country in Time as a Service mode.The...
Design of new materials and improving of processes, applying novel machine learning methods to sparse and noisy data sets
- Summary:  A UK spin out has launched, and proven, an artificial intelligence (AI) based tool that incorporates experimental and process data and uncertainty. It helps guide...
Ayudante de investigación
- Puesto: Ayudante de investigaciónFunción: Diseño de métodos de machine learning y deep learning para predicción y visualización de datos recopilados en la historia clínica...
Research assistant (PhD student) in advanced nanocomposites with enhanced fire-resistance and improved mechanical properties
- Puesto: Research assistant (PhD student) in advanced nanocomposites with enhanced fire-resistance and improved mechanical propertiesFunción: PhD student in Advanced nanocomposites with enhanced...
Ranking por sector Siderurgia / Metalurgia
- Según la Asociación Latinoamericana del Acero, el Perú fue uno de los países que impulsó el crecimiento del consumo de aceros laminados en América Latina...
Canal de comunicación para estaciones de servicio: digitalice su estación de servicio con su propio canal de comunicación
- Canal de comunicación para estaciones de servicio. Pantallas de 55". Protección de seguridad IP65 - antivandálicas. Alta luminosidad: 2500 Cd.